The Ferrajoli law firm provides legal advice and assistance in every area of tax law, company law, commercial and administrative law, on both the judicial and the extrajudicial level.
The Ferrajoli law firm specializes in fiscal matters but is nevertheless able to provide an integrated assistance thanks to professionals from different fields and a coordinated management of consulting services in interdisciplinary fields related to professional accountancy and law.
The firm is part of a prestigious national network, and is thus able to manage the needs of medium to large clients presenting an articulated territorial structure in a coordinated way.
Fields of Activity
The law firm Ferrajoli has decided to offer its services to companies and public bodies in highly specialized fields, also assisting other professionals or consulting firms. The firm specializes in the following fields: tax law and related disputes, company law and contracts, currency law and anti-money laundering legislation, customs and excise law, EU funding.Professionals at the Ferrajoli law firm are also engaged in training activities and professional services aimed at supporting the development and management of the clients/companies in the above-mentioned fields.
Tax, Customs and Litigation Law
Advice is provided on internal and international taxation, also with specific regard to issues such as the "generational transition" in the company. A dedicated vocation has been developed in the matter of customs and excise duties. With reference to the above-mentioned sectors, the Firm provides qualified out-of-court assistance in the formulation of specific opinions and through preliminary consultation with the competent Financial Administration Offices. Finally, a particular commitment is placed in the defense of the taxpayer in administrative and criminal-tax litigation and in all the stages resulting from the assessment of higher taxes and their collection.
Banking Law and Anti-Money Laundering
Specific area of competence relates to currency matters, meaning for this the assessment of anti-money laundering legislation and cross-border capital transfers and assistance in any litigation procedures before the Supervisory Authorities (Banca d'Italia, Consob, Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, Ragionerie dello Stato). The more general banking and financial intermediaries legislation is also a further area of work for the structure, as well as a possible complement to tax matters.
Company Law and Criminal Law
The Firm looks to all the needs of the companies both in terms of preventive counselling related to the ordinary functioning and with regard to the education of cases concerning liability, to challenges to deliberations and to all forms of judicial and arbitral protection. Priority commitment to ordinary business assistance concerns the drafting and revision of national and international contracts. The Firm has a team of professionals experts in the preparation and review of Risk Management Systems with the drafting of appropriate Organizational Models, Management and Control pursuant to the Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, in full adherence to the core business and organizational structure of the customer structure.
Environmental Law
The range of expertise offered to companies is also geared to providing environmental law solutions, including the management of waste-related dynamics, emissions and anything else it achieves to the exercise of industrial activity as with regard to the more general building and urban. Also in these sectors the interests of both private customers and public bodies are taken care of, with a view to intercepting, also by talking with public and private research organizations, benefits and legal facilities to green business and circular economy.
Instruments for Heritage Protection
The Firm’s specific area of competence concerns the use of instruments for the protection of assets, such as the fund of assets, the trust, the acts of destination referred to in art. 2645-ter of the Italian Civil Code and the corporate assets intended for a specific business, with reference to which advice is provided both at the establishment stage, with attention also to the related tax implications, and in relation to the occurrence of any disputes.
Business Support Measures and Business Rehabilitation Operations
The Firm provides companies with a legal consultancy service aimed at the design and implementation of dedicated business plans including debt restructuring measures and dedicated business recovery strategies, within the framework of the new institutions provided for in the Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code. In other respects, the Firm provides assistance in the field of Community programmes relating to the so-called direct management funds and has the competence to assist entities, companies and associations in call for tenders and call for proposals, launched by the EU Institutions.
Protection of Intellectual Property
In terms of brand protection, the Firm assists high-end brands, but also Small-Medium Enterprises sensitive to the issue of intellectual property, in the procedures and preventive protection actions, ensuring the necessary assistance also in the subsequent administrative procedures, arbitration or patent protection cases in court. The service is offered according to the needs of the customer and finds its focus in consulting and cross-cutting preventive assistance in the contiguous areas of commercial and tax law, aimed at preparing the contract functional to the activity of the brand. In the agri-food sector, the Firm is committed in the protection of geographical designations of origin (PDO and PGI) of wine and dairy products as well as in the strategic consultancy to companies for the development of e-commerce sales channels.
The Firm, thanks to international partnerships, provides assistance to companies that decide, in the context of dedicated internationalization processes, to extend its operations to the markets of the UK, India, the Arab Emirates and the US. The Firm has a number of international assistance on behalf of companies based in the territories of the European Union, also representing international investors and family offices, gaining qualified experience in Temporary Export Management.
Criminal law and Organizational Modeling Models 231
The Firm provides assistance to companies and entities with a team of professionals who are expert in the preparation and revision of the Company Risk Management Systems with the drafting of adequate Organization, Management and Control Models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 corresponding to the core business and the organizational structure already present in the customer’s Organization.

About us
“Smontando presunzioni e congetture difendiamo l’apparentemente impossibile”
Consulting and Compliance
“Un sistema di consulenza integrata che offre all’impresa un unico interlocutore poliedrico”
La nostra Clientela:
The Founder
Organization and Quality System
Studio Ferrajoli obtained in 2004 the Certification of its Quality System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 rules, extended in 2008 also to the Brescia office and today compliant with the latest evolution of the rules: Vision 2015. The internal working procedures are standardized and governed by a Manual that collects all the organizational provisions. The firm also constantly monitors the quality of the services provided through the use of statistical survey tools. Based on the results that can be deduced from the data collected, compared with the set objectives, the Firm promptly adapts its operating processes, maintaining an approach that is constantly based on maximum flexibility and attention to detail.
Why to choose the Firm
In addition to absolute compliance with the rules of professional ethics, Studio Ferrajoli guarantees the Client the utmost seriousness in carrying out the mandate received and undertakes commitments of efficiency and transparency aimed at establishing a solid relationship of trust with the User himself.
In an area where the activity is heavily timed, such as the procedural one, the efficiency and promptness of the response provided by the Legal Advisor is an essential condition for the usefulness of the service provided to the Customer. It is therefore the primary objective for the Firm's Professionals to succeed in providing a quality result in the shortest possible time frame.
Specialization and Soft Skills
Studio Ferrajoli offers consultancy and legal assistance services in particularly technical sectors, through the use of an interdisciplinary approach that combines legal and business skills.
Customer Satisfaction
The assessment of customers’ satisfaction for the services provided represents a priority for the Firm. For this purpose, as prescribed by the Quality System, the Firm has set up and maintains a Customer Satisfaction measurement procedure, carried out on a periodic basis, in written form, based on the Customer's answers to predefined questions, in order to adapt the service as much as possible to the needs and satisfaction of the Users.
Tradition and Innovation
Studio Ferrajoli is traditionally oriented to seize the important opportunities guaranteed by the best use of technological innovation. The Firm uses management software to detect all the activities carried out, from appointments to parceling, and operates the electronic as well as paper archiving both of the documents prepared and of the correspondence and documents received from outside, with particular attention to the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data of their clients.
About us
Online Consulting
The Firm, thanks to the experience gained over the years with the collaboration with the main publications specialized in the legal-tax sector, now also provides directly to its customers an on-line consultancy service, which is expressed in the elaboration of OPINIONS and in the response to specific QUESTIONS. To use the service, you will find the general conditions specified below, which also contain instructions for use.
Work with us
Studio Ferrajoli pays extreme attention to the selection of collaborators and the growth of internal resources, providing for the relative rules in a specific procedure of the Quality System.
The Firm locations
Studio Ferrajoli operates in three offices, located in Bergamo, Brescia and Pavia.
The historic Bergamo offices, opened to the public in 1997, are located in the very central Via Locatelli.
Since 2006, the firm has also been present in Brescia, near to the new Palace of Justice.
On the occasion of the celebration of 20 years of activity, the Firm, to better assist its customers, has also inaugurated new offices in the historic center of Pavia.
The structures operate in close coordination and with exemplary harmony, thanks to a single management and sophisticated IT technologies, which ensure effective and timely responses to customers’ needs.
The same organization and quality system governs the three structures, in compliance with the principles of the tax legal service offered by Studio Ferrajoli.
Sede di Brescia
via Solferino, 28b
25121 - Brescia
Tel. (+39) 030 3758566
Fax (+39) 030 3753628
The office in Brescia is located in Palazzo delle Sfere, on the corner between via Solferino and via Ferramola. In the surrounding area there are several parking possibilities:
- Parking lot by the railways station
- Parking lot by the new courthouse “Palagiustizia”
- Parking lot Autosilouno in via Vittorio Emanuele II.
Sede di Bergamo
Via Locatelli, 25
24121 - Bergamo
Tel. (+39) 035 271060
Fax (+39) 035 270040
The Ferrajoli Law Firm is located in the Bergamo city centre. The map above shows the route from Piazzale Marconi (railway station) to the Ferrajoli Law Firm.
In the surrounding area there are two big pay parking lots
- Parking lot San Marco, piazzale della Repubblica
- Parking lot in piazza della Libertà.